Barnavörur Kerrur og stólar Maxi cosi bílstoll og quinny kerra Maxi Cosi
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Maxi cosi bílstoll og quinny kerra Maxi Cosi

Verð kr.

10.000 kr


Við mælum með
  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
Nýskrá á Netgíró

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sunnudagur, 29. september 2024 17:42


105 Reykjavík


Maxi cosi bílstoll og quinny kerra
Maxi Cosi Pebble Plus (Nomad
Blue). Maxi cosi car seat and quinny snatt stroller Maxi Cosi Pebble Plus (Nomad Blue).No damage. The base is not included. But you can get something like that in Fifa, which can then be used for chair no.2. Quinny zapp extra stroller that you can put the carseat on to .All are in good condition.