Fatnaður Fylgihlutir og Skart Photography backpack Genesis Nattai
skoðað 79 sinnum

Photography backpack Genesis Nattai

Verð kr.

2.000 kr


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  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
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Nýskrá á Netgíró

Rennur út

fimmtudagur, 19. september 2024 21:55


108 Reykjavík

Litur Grár

Product features:

comfortable and durable backpack for photographic equipment

2 chambers

pockets for additional accessories

access to the photographic equipment compartment from the front and side

pocket for a 15" laptop or tablet

mesh pockets

anatomically profiled suspenders with drawstrings

hip and chest belt

strong buckles

double zippers

photo insert dimensions: 30x20x13 cm

impregnated, light and durable materials