Heimilið Handverk & listmunir Art List Black Swan by Gary Grier 2 oil paintings
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Art List Black Swan by Gary Grier 2 oil paintings

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99.000 kr


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miðvikudagur, 22. maí 2024 18:39


107 Reykjavík


For offer is a PAIR of small paintings (look at the other pictures to see the other 'Black Swan', and the size) Both are self-portraits by African-American artist Gary Grier. See: http://garygrierart.blogspot.com/2009/11/self-portraits.html
third down is: "Black Swan I & II (Dyptic)" 2009 5x 7" oil on canvas private collection '
The 'private collection' is mine. I bought these paintings c. 15 years ago in Charleston, SC and am now selling at the price I paid for them because I have no space to hang them. They are in excellent condition. If you would like to see them, by far the best way to contact me is by email: cormackm@cofc.edu I live in Vesturbær (og tala islensku!)
tvö málverk eftir African-American artist Gary Green, í fínu ástandi.

þarf að borga og sækja í vesturbæ. görið svo vel að svara með tölvupósti, það er miklu fljótlegra en messenger, sem virkar illa í minnum síma og tölvu. cormackm@cofc.edu
must be paid for and picked up in Vesturbær. please respond by email to cormackm@cofc.edu , messenger does not work well in my phone or computer.