Bought and was lied to

Myndir101 | 26. ágú. '18, kl: 16:42:05 | 251 | Svara | | 0

Hi so we landed in worst case scenario. We bought a house and before signing papers we asked if there was anything wrong with it. We believed that they were speaking with good heart and intentions . So we signed papers. We moved in and first thing after about a week downstairs drain has poop and everything coming up all over the loundry room . Our kids room is right next to it. So we run to Byko and buy some drain cleaner and we get the nasty stuff to go down. Then Agen next day and so on. Then we notice steam coming up froþ Underwood the stairs outside . And start getting really worried . Then we decide to call person who lives above us and as if this is something that has been happening before . He in shock says yes of course this has been happening for long time . He says I am not surprised these people told you nothing about it . So then we send previous owner email ask them if they know anything they say no we didn't know nothing about pipes . The neighbour upstairs said they they were already given estimate buy a plumber what it would cost to fix this . And that it had to be done because pipes where broken . Then we find that same plumber who was here and on the same they he came it was so much poop coming up for at least 9 Times this month that it covered entire loundry room . Now we have bills stacked up from all the plumbers who been coming over . Also they say that they are witnesses that they been here before doing same thing . But after all of this previous owners still decline to say they knew anything about this . They went so far with not giving us discount that they said they wouæd be the ones getting lawyer on us . Has anybody landed in anything like this before . How much will it cost us to get law on our side and make them pay us what it cost to fix this . The house is in condition so bad that we can't even be here .


Sessaja | 26. ágú. '18, kl: 16:55:54 | Svara | | 0

Next time you buy house let plumbers look at pipes and have the house checked for bad things to come. Some Icelandics are scums like in all the world

Bowie77 | 26. ágú. '18, kl: 19:07:32 | Svara | | 0

It is obvious they knew about the the fault and it can be proven that they did know, before they sold, so they are the ones liable for covering the repair costs.

golfvörur | 26. ágú. '18, kl: 20:07:21 | Svara | | 0

If yoy havent paid the last payment i would hold it.

T.M.O | 26. ágú. '18, kl: 20:11:39 | Svara | | 0

you have a witness who says they knew this was broken so this is formally a "hidden fault". if the repairs cost more than 15% of the price of the house you can technically break the deal and return the house to the seller. Try to talk sense in to the seller  and get him to pay for the repairs but if that doesn't work you need a laywer and go through the courts. He will end up paying for your laywer but not until the end of proceedings. Try to explain to the guy that you will win this and he will pay for the repairs and the cost of everything, even for you having to stay somewhere else, if he is a moron who tries to use your lack of icelandic skills screw you, get help from someone icelandic to talk to him. There is an office which specializes in helping non icelandic to know their rights in all kinds of matters, I have to dig a bit to find the name, I forgot. I will give it to you when I find it 

dirge | 27. ágú. '18, kl: 04:25:19 | Svara | | 0

Document everything and write down dates.

Myndir101 | 27. ágú. '18, kl: 08:04:46 | Svara | | 0

So we have small progress here , the plumber called last night and he has found receipts from from last year where he told them that pipes need to be changed . His wife turns out to be police woman here and he asked as to guy collect the reception copies in police station . I let you know how the meeting today at 10 a clock goes with the previous owners .

T.M.O | 27. ágú. '18, kl: 10:11:19 | Svara | Fyrri færsla | | 0

Good luck, I've been through something similar but I didn't have proof they knew.

Myndir101 | 27. ágú. '18, kl: 08:05:53 | Svara | | 0

*go collect reciept copies

HAH53 | 27. ágú. '18, kl: 11:40:33 | Svara | | 0

Did you not "check the house out" You have a very strong obligation to check out the house you are buying.Did you buy this on Bland or was this business through a dealer??? And what dealer???

Myndir101 | 27. ágú. '18, kl: 12:43:08 | Svara | Fyrri færsla | | 0

We trusted that they were speaking with good intentions when showing the house. We asked them many times if there is anything we should know they always said no just some thing to be fixed like paint the house and fix garage . The realtor was at the table when we asked them again before signing papers if there is anything we should know that we might no to fix . So they did not say nothing about pluþbing and represented the house æike út was in fully livable conditions for our 5 people family

Myndir101 | 27. ágú. '18, kl: 12:45:53 | Svara | Fyrri færsla | | 0

*like it was in fully livable conditions

Myndir101 | 27. ágú. '18, kl: 12:39:37 | Svara | | 0

So they came to the meeting we had original reciept that even Sjóvá has that pipes were ruined . But they decided to say that they never saw this Bill from plumber . They are that far crazy . Do I guess we are going to highest court after all and charging them for giving foulse information to us when we were buying the house and asked them if there was anything wrong . Scatchiest thing is that the wife does not allow the husband to speak . She always says he doesn't know nothing but he hasn't even said that himself . She also always says he is at the see and she is lonely moþ and doesn't understand nothing about plumbing due to fact that her husband is always in the sea in Iceland she always answers for both . Anyqays I feel really bad for him if he doesn't know what she is doing . Because he is the only one working in their family . And he will have to pay the giant cost that comes with the lies she wants to hold on to .

Hulda32 | 27. ágú. '18, kl: 22:57:05 | Svara | | 0

Have you talked to the real estate agent who handled the sale? He/she should know how to proceed. This is deliberately hidden faults and you should get reimbursed for the costs and probably also for the inconvenience. If you can't live in the house while it's being fixed, the seller should probably also pay for the cost of living somewhere else.

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