Atvinna Atvinna í boði Physiotherapist for a Disabled Person
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Physiotherapist for a Disabled Person

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Við mælum með
  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
Nýskrá á Netgíró

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mánudagur, 18. nóvember 2024 17:50


105 Reykjavík

I am a Professional Physiotherapist, Masseur Therapist and Biokineticist. I have more than 25 years of experience with different disabled people (all types of body massage, rehabilitation of injuries, acupressure, exercises). I can easily get along with any person because of my proficient communicative and experienced skills. I believe that my educational and professional skills are a perfect match for any Disabled Person. I can help with everything, take a person to any place, cook, feed, clean, take care and do different treatments and massages. I'm a man and want to help a disabled person to live and feel life to the fullest again. My contact number - 8475720