Farartæki Þjónusta Cheap delivery - moving services
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Cheap delivery - moving services

Verð kr.

6.000 kr

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fimmtudagur, 9. maí 2024 06:27


105 Reykjavík


Leit Leið ehf. is offering cheap delivery and moving services from place to place for individuals and companies.
We are working in Reykjavik capital area and around it.
Same day small item delivery in the capital area 1.500 - 8.000kr. (Items that can be handled by one person).
Same day big items delivery in the capital area 6.000 - 20.000kr.
Unusual sized items or items that needs to be carried upstairs will have additional charge.
It is always best to contact us by phone or email by sending pictures what needs to be delivered, from where and where to.
We accept card or cash payments.
We can write invoices.
We accept requests 10:00 - 17:00 every day.
Message us on bland.
Call us - 842 1082.
Send email to us at info@leitleid.is