Fasteignir Til leigu Bílskúr / Garage / Storage space
skoðað 2509 sinnum

Bílskúr / Garage / Storage space

Verð kr.

70.000 kr

Til athugunar

Ertu að selja, leigja eða kaupa fasteign
Við mælum með
  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
Nýskrá á Netgíró

Rennur út

mánudagur, 6. maí 2024 21:33


270 Mosfellsbæ

Notendur athugið!

Tilmæli frá lögreglu: Aldrei greiða húsaleigu nema búið sé að skoða íbúðina og kanna hvort auglýsandinn sé eigandi hennar.

Police notice: Always inspect the apartment before paying rent and ensure that the advertiser is the actual owner.

Tegund Annað Fermetrar 26
Póstnúmer 270 Herbergi 1
Gæludýr leyfð Nei

Brúarfljót, 270 Mosfellsbær

For rent 25.6 sq m garage / storage space at Brúarfljót in Mosfellsbær available from 1st May.

The garage includes a sanitary sink and hot/cold water outlet conveniently located near the gate for hose access, and access to common toilets for convenience.

Hall height is 2.9 - 4.0 meters.

The price is ISK 70,000 per month plus an estimated ISK 4000 per month ( paid ever 3 months ) for the housing fund. Heat and electricity included in the house fund. The plot is fenced and with access control.

Minimum rental period of 6 months.