Afþreying Annað Boardgame - Drinking game
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Boardgame - Drinking game

Verð kr.

1.000 kr


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  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
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þriðjudagur, 30. apríl 2024 12:34


221 Hafnarfirði


A classic drinking game that has been around since the Seventies, PASS OUT is sure to get you SOZZLED!!

PASS OUT, as its name suggests is a board game with dice, game pieces and cards. It involves rolling the dice, drinking, and lighting up which is optional. So if you want to get the evening's entertainment off to a heady start PASS OUT is your game.

Product Description
The worlds best selling adult drinking game where players travel around the board taking drinks, as and when instructed, while trying to collect 10 pink elephants! To win a pink elephant players must recite a tongue twister... THEOPHILUS THE THISTLE SIFTER WHILE SIFTING A SIFTER FULL OF THISTLES, THRUST THREE THOUSAND THISTLES THROUGH THE THICK OF HIS THUMB. Get it wrong or round your tongue...take another drink. Needless to say this doesn't make things easier! The game makes for a fantastic adult party game! This hilarious drinking game is for 2 or more players and suitable for players over 18 years.