Afþreying Annað Drinking game
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Drinking game

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þriðjudagur, 30. apríl 2024 16:53


221 Hafnarfirði


The Heartbreak kid - Mexican drinking floor game

Twister with a twist, never played so photos borrowed online, last pic shows actual boardgame.

Setting up the Game
1. Spread the mat face up on a flat surface
2. Distribute the shot glasses so each player is designated a colour for the game and fill with your alcohol of choice.

How to Play:
Each player must take it in turns to spin the spinner and call out the body part and the colour that the arrow points to. For example, the spinner at the time may call out: "Right hand, red." The red player must then drink their shot and try to follow the directions as explained below.

- Each player must try to place the called-out body part on a vacant symbol of the called-out colour. For example, if a player calls out "Right hand, red," each player must try to place right hand on any vacant red chilli.

- If your called-out body part is already on the on a symbol of the called-out colour, you must move it to another symbol of the same colour.

- There can't be more than one body part on any one symbol.

- If all 6 symbols of a colour are already covered, the designated player who is spinner at the time must spin again until a different colour can be called out.

- Each time a player drinks their shot their glass must be re-filled

- When a player falls because they can't stay in their position they must drink a shot and are then eliminated from the game.

- The last player left in the game is the winner!