Barnavörur Annað Þráðlaus brjóstapumpa, handfrjáls
skoðað 47 sinnum

Þráðlaus brjóstapumpa, handfrjáls

Verð kr.

35.000 kr


Við mælum með
  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
Nýskrá á Netgíró

Rennur út

þriðjudagur, 4. júní 2024 16:25


210 Garðabæ


2 Elvie breast pumps for sale. Wireless breast pumps plus extra parts for each. Wearable. You can use it with or without the app.

Possible to buy just one.

Price for one: 35 000
Price for two: 55 000

They are in a very good condition, used only few months occasionally.

In Petit store one cost 69 990.

I can deliver it within the capital area free of charge.

Handfrjáls. Þráðlaus.