Barnavörur Leikföng 50 years old Match Box with 7 cars
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50 years old Match Box with 7 cars

Verð kr.

123 kr


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sunnudagur, 26. maí 2024 02:36


101 Reykjavík


This Match box I've had since I was 6-7. I am born 1965. I haven't opened it to be fair from ca 1975 or so but it has moved houses with me and always ended up in the storage area.

I am clearing house now and took a proper look at it after a long time.

The box is made of a good rubber/plastic because it holds up very well. There is a button clip to open and close the box and it works well.

The only damage seems to be two holes in the rubber/plastic that must have been where the handles were fastened with button like clips.

Inside the case are two light blue racks on top of each other, either containing 12 compartments for the mini cars. I have seven 50+ years cars but I don't have the recollection of ever having all compartments full of cars. I think I got the case empty and started to buy one or two and then swap cars with my friends.

Of the cars themselves I know very little but remember playing with one of them. You might know them better. I'll look them up and add the info soon.

All in all, besides these two holes in the plastic I would say the match box is in a fair condition.

Untouched boxes with 24 cars go over 200 pounds I saw.

Just scan ebay a little, check mine and make an offer.