Farartæki Bílar Honda Civic 2008
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Honda Civic 2008

Verð kr.

420.000 kr



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mánudagur, 18. nóvember 2024 19:06


850 Hellu

Framleiðandi Honda Undirtegund Civic
Tegund Fólksbíll Ár 2008
Akstur 216.000 Eldsneyti Bensín
Skipting Sjálfskiptur Hjóladrifin Framhjóladrifin
Skipti Engin skipti Fjöldi sæta 5
Fjöldi dyra 4 Fjöldi strokka 4
Skoðaður Litur Grár

For sale Honda Civic 1.8, 2008, petrol
The car is in good condition, 216xxx km and still going.

The car made simple routes, it was mainly used to get from home to the city. It does not cause any problems. It has an inspection until May 2025. Oil, filters, etc. are changed regularly.
As for the bigger things, the entire radiator was replaced in May.

Considering its age, the car is in great condition, but it also has some minor flaws, such as rust or a lit ABS light. At the beginning of the year it was hit in the back, which caused minor abrasions and damaged the spoiler.

I will throw in winter tires for free.
Feel free to contact me at phone number: +48510711243 :)