Farartæki Mótorhjól / jaðarsport Yamaha YZ250F
skoðað 1149 sinnum

Yamaha YZ250F

Verð kr.

275.000 kr



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fimmtudagur, 6. júní 2024 22:02

Framleiðandi Yamaha Undirtegund Yz
Ár 2006 Akstur 1.000
Vélastærð (cc) 250 Tegund Vélhjól
Eldsneyti Bensín Litur Blár
Skoðaður Nei

Hello friends :)
Due to the departure, I am forced to leave my love and equipment in good hands...
For sale:

-Yamaha from 2006 100kg
capacity 250cc / 48/HP,
.. recently I installed new grips, shock absorber covers, sofa covers,

Additionally, he adds:
-new pants gogle and helemet
-two tires,
-new ultra heavy duty rear wheel inner tube,
-3x new oil filter and engine oil,
-new air filter,
-new clutch discs and seal, although the clutch is in good condition,
- chain cleaning preparation and chain lubricants,
-new chain slides, guide, tire pressure gauge, fuel tank, Yamaha and 24MX stickers,
- protector for the spine, legs and arms