Fasteignir Til leigu Room for rent in the center of Hafnarfjörður
skoðað 65200 sinnum

Room for rent in the center of Hafnarfjörður

Verð kr.

135.000 kr



Til athugunar

Ertu að selja, leigja eða kaupa fasteign
Við mælum með
  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
Nýskrá á Netgíró

Rennur út

laugardagur, 14. september 2024 08:44


220 Hafnarfirði

Notendur athugið!

Tilmæli frá lögreglu: Aldrei greiða húsaleigu nema búið sé að skoða íbúðina og kanna hvort auglýsandinn sé eigandi hennar.

Police notice: Always inspect the apartment before paying rent and ensure that the advertiser is the actual owner.

Tegund Fjölbýlishús Fermetrar 15
Póstnúmer 220 Herbergi 1

Big and bright room avilable in the center of Hafnarfjörður. Krónan and Bónus in walking distance. Also walking distance to bus to Reykjavik citty. This is a non smoker first floor room. No partyes or alcoholdrinking allowed in room. Room rented to and only for one person. No night gests allowed. Fine bed in the room, table and good clothes space in room. Axes to kitchen incluted also axes to washingmashine. heat and electricity also incluted. Please give me a call if intressted. Number to call is 7686658. Room avilable now.