Heimilið Stofa Borge Mogensen - handsmíðaðir leðursófar - 4 stk.
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Borge Mogensen - handsmíðaðir leðursófar - 4 stk.

Verð kr.

550.000 kr


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Við mælum með
  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
Nýskrá á Netgíró


105 Reykjavík


Um framleiðandann Fredericia .

Since its foundation in 1911, the family-owned company Fredericia has built a strong tradition of beautiful craftsmanship and innovative design, developed in close collaboration with a circle of internationally recognised designers. From legendary designers Børge Mogensen, Hans J. Wegner and Nanna Ditzel to contemporary Barber Osgerby, Monica Förster and Space Copenhagen, they all play a part in the design and craftsmanship institution that Fredericia is today. All share a love for honest materials and durable designs that age gracefully.

Um hönnuðinn.
Børge Mogensen (13 April 1914 – 5 October 1972), was a Danish furniture designer.
He was one of the most important among a generation of furniture designers who made the concept of “Danish Modern” known throughout the world. Together with colleagues such as Arne Jacobsen and Hans Wegner, Mogensen created international respect for Danish furniture design, and his simple and functional designs have for more than half a century enjoyed worldwide demand.

4 sófar til. 1 þeirra er með smá halla í baki.
Mál: B158 x D82 x H75 sm.
Staðsett hjá okkur í Skeifunni 7, opið alla virka daga 12-13.

Verð 550 þús. án vsk. stk.
Stóll með baki sem þarf að laga 550 þús.
Nývirði með 15% afslætti 1.3 m. án vsk.

Nánar um hönnuðinn:

Nánari upplýsingar í síma 8981000 / 8631970
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