Iðnaður Annað SIMEM - Bison - 500 færanleg steypustöð
skoðað 90 sinnum

SIMEM - Bison - 500 færanleg steypustöð

Verð kr.

65.000.000 kr


Við mælum með
  • 14 vaxtalaus greiðslufrestur
  • Raðgreiðslur mögulegar
  • Kaupendatrygging Blands
Nýskrá á Netgíró


105 Reykjavík


SIMEM - Bison - 500 færanleg steypustöð -l 250 rúmmetra pr. klst.

Vegna breytinga er til sölu afar fullkomin og færanleg SIMEM Bison 500 steypustöð.

Allt tölvustýrt og aðeins einn mann þarf til að fæða vélina.

Heimasíða framleiðanda.
Hér má sjá myndband af vél erlendis.
Hér má sjá vélina sem er til sölu.
Meira um búnaðinn:
BISON 500 designed to produce, in continuous production from 85 up to 250 m3 /hr considering a maximum rate of 2.5 Ton/m3 of mixed concrete (reference formulas as below).

A) Reference formula for RCC and concrete pavements
• 1 aggregate 2100 Kg/m³ from one compartment (or more, with extra trailer)
• 1 cement up to 300 Kg/m³ (with two silos); cement content is possible up to 400 Kg/m3 with a reduction on plant output capacity
• 1 water 60 L/m³
• 1 admixture 4 L/m³

B) Reference formula for cold recycled asphalt
• 1 RAP aggregate 1450 kg/m3
• 1 cement 15 kg/m3
• 1 emulsion 30 L/m3

C) Reference formula for soil stabilization
• 1 soil 1800 kg/m3
• 1 cement 120 kg/m3
• 1 NTS-R (Resin admixtures) 10 L/m3
• 1 water 30 L/m3

Equipment is designed to work with the following raw materials

• aggregates size 0-65 mm with moisture 0-10%

• cement and fillers with temperature up to 60°C

• clean water with temperature up to 60°C
Equipment is designed to work under the following conditions

• snow load up to 200 Kg/m2

• wind load up to 100 Kg/m2

• ambient temperature from -20°C up to 40°C, humidity up to 80%

• altitude up to 2000 meter above sea level

• electric power supply at 400-480 V. 50-60 Hz. +-5%

Verð 80 milljónir + vsk.

Nánari upplýsingar í síma 8981000
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