Varúð!!! Svikamyllubréf
| 25. mar. '08, kl: 09:07:30
686 |
Ég fékk bréf sent frá að því virðist lögfræðingi sem segir að ég sé mögulega erfingi að 5.3 millj. dollar arfi og biður mig um ýmsar upplýsingar sem virðast vera frekar saklausar. Ég ákvað að kíkja á netið og skoða þetta nánar og eins og mig grunaði þá er þetta bara svikamylla. Þetta virkar mjög raunverulegt, sérstaklega þar sem hann virðist starfa fyrir mjög virt lögfræðifyrirtæki sem heitir Kirkland and Ellis og er alþjóðlegt fyrirtæki en þegar skoðuð er heimasíðan þeirra þá er þessi lögfræðingur ekki til þarna. Ég ætla að láta fylgja afrit af þessu bréfi hérna til þess að vara aðra við að svara svona bréfum.
Good day! XXXXdóttir
Please pardon me as I am aware that this is not a conventional way of relaying such
an important massage such as this. I did try without success to locate either your
contact address or fax number and as such, I resorted in contacting you via email.
My name is Brant W. Bishop, I am a senior partner in the firm of Kirkland and Ellis
Inc, London, United Kingdom, we are Private investigators,Security Consultants and
Financial Managers. We are conducting a standard process
investigation/Recommendation on behalf of Standard Chartered Bank Group (SCB), The
African Investment Banking Conglomerate.
This investigation involves our client who bears the same surname with you Mr. Earl
XXXXdóttir and also the circumstances surrounding his investments made by our
client at {STANDARD CHARTERED BANK GOLD ACCOUNT} the Investment Banking arm of SCB.
The SCB Private Investment client died intestate and nominated no successor in title
over the investments made with the bank amounting to over {US$5.3Million} (Five
Million Three Hundred thousand Dollars only).
The essence of this communication with you is to request that you provide us
information/comments on any or all of the four issues as regards nominating you to
inherit the fund left behind by this client.
Your answers and response(s) to the questions raised below will determine our
recommendation to the {STANDARD CHARTERED BANK PLC} towards legally appointing you
to inherit this investment fund after certified investigation has yielded results
showing that there is no known relation of the deceased client.
1. Are you aware of your relation born on the 2nd of February 1951, who bears your
surname whose last known contact address was Accra Ghana,in Western Africa?
2. Are you aware of any investment of considerable value made by such a person at
the Investment Banking Division of {STANDARD CHARTERED BANK GROUP}?
3. Can you confirm your willingness to accept this inheritance if you are legally
and legitimately appointed?
4. Would you agree to donate part of this inheritance to charity if you are
officially approved to stand as the inheritor?
It is pertinent that you inform us ASAP whether or not you are familiar with this
personality and your interest towards the issues mentioned.
You must appreciate that we are constrained from providing you with more detailed
information at this point. We will provide you with additional information upon
receipt of your response.
Thank you for accommodating our inquiry.
Mr. Brant W. Bishop
Address: 45A Milward Road
Hastings East Sussex
TN34 3RP England
Cell: 44 70359 02015
Tel: 44 70359 01926
Fax: 44 70059 30992
For: Kirkland and Ellis Inc, London.